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Braylon Edwards Discusses Saving Elderly Man From Life-Threatening Assault

Photo: Jed Jacobsohn

Braylon Edwards: "When (the assault) was going on, I just thought (stepping in was) the right thing to do, this is how I was raised. Football players naturally think to do things like this. The police officer told me 'if it weren't for you, this guy would not have made it.' That's when it set in for me that this wasn't just another day at the Y, maybe I did step up and do something. But I was raised that way, it makes sense when you know my dad and my mom... I appreciate all the love that everyone is sending, but I feel like there's a lot of good people out here in this world. I think there's way more good people than bad people. We highlight all the negativity, but there's some good people out here, so I'm sure I'm not the only one out here doing God's work. Love thy neighbor."

Former NFL and University of Michigan WR Braylon Edwards joins The Odd Couple with Chris Broussard and Rob Parker! Edwards details a horrifying encounter at a local YMCA last weekend, where Edwards saved the life of an 80-year-old man after he intervened during an assault in the locker room. Edwards explains how and why he stepped in to the altercation and shares a message of optimism with faith that people everywhere would do the same as Edwards did.

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